Weight gain is often a multi-factorial issue and leaves many feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. It is helpful to have an understanding of various tools to assist in the weight loss journey. Low-dose Naltrexone (LDN) is a medication that may provide support. Naltrexone was initially created as a medication to treat alcohol and opioid addiction by blocking the “high” effects one may get when consuming these substances. However, researchers have realized for some time that lower doses of naltrexone (LDN) assist in modulating the immune system and reducing inflammation – both of which may benefit an individual on a weight loss journey.

Hormone Regulation

LDN has been found to regulate the release of certain hormones involved in appetite regulation, such as leptin and ghrelin. Leptin’s role is suppressing appetite to allow for proper food intake and thereby helps maintain a healthy weight. Ghrelin is a fast-acting hormone, playing a role in feelings of hunger that lead to someone getting cues to eat. When these hormones are dysregulated, increased appetite and not feeling full can lead to eating more calories than is needed. By rebalancing these hormones, LDN helps reduce cravings and control food intake, leading to weight loss.

Reducing Inflammation

Chronic low-grade inflammation is also associated with obesity and metabolic disorders. This occurs due to fat cells being affected by pro-inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) made by our immune system. These cytokines then lead to negative effects in our body causing weight loss to be challenging.  By regulating the immune system and slowing down the production of cytokines, LDN helps the body’s metabolic flexibility and leads to release of fat stores.

Increasing Beneficial Bacteria

LDN has also been found to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and reduce the abundance of harmful bacteria. We know gut bacteria play a crucial role in maintaining healthy weight and LDN supports these efforts!

Side effects are also minimal with LDN-the most common being vivid dreams. It is a medication that requires compounding and is not habit forming.

LDN clearly has benefits when used as an adjunct therapy in weight management programs. It is most successful in enhancing weight loss outcomes when combined with lifestyle modifications, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is important to discuss LDN with your provider to decide if this medication is right for you!

Inspired Health - Integrative + Functional Medicine Center Natural Fertility Bend Oregon

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[1] “Naltrexone.” 2024.
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[4] “Safety and efficacy of naltrexone for weight loss in adult patients- a systematic review.” 2021.
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