As we near the end of summer, you might be hearing the internal whisper that it’s time to clean house and do a little detox! Most of us have been on a slippery slope of indulgences – maybe enjoying more alcohol than normal, getting less sleep, eating more snacks and deserts while hanging out and enjoying summertime activities! For us nature folks in Bend, those campfire s’mores and adult beverages are starting to add up 🙂 

According to scientists, it’s estimated that the average adult carries within their body at least 700 toxins. With all of this toxicity in the human system, it’s not surprising the toll it can take on our organs.

When the liver, kidneys, and intestines work in sync with one another, things run like clockwork and our body’s “filtration system” is easily able to eliminate toxins and environmental contaminants through our breath, emotions, sweat, urine and stool. However, when systems in the body are not running smoothly, our health suffers. Telltale signs indicating you might have a problem include fatigue, inflammation, digestive issues, allergies, bloating, alcohol and sugar cravings just to name a few.

These warning signs are our body’s way of telling us it’s time to make a change!

Detoxification is a surefire way of eliminating harmful toxins, inflammatory accumulations and allowing the body a reset – in turn, healing is able to take place. By getting rid of inflammatory foods and beverages from your diet, and challenging people and situations from your life – you will drastically improve your mental, physical, and emotional state!

This is where our REVIVE CLEANSE + DETOX PROGRAM comes in!!

The program is designed to eliminate all inflammatory foods and drinks and utilizes a shake/smoothie supplement that has gut anti-inflammatory and liver detox herbs and nutrients, plus a pure vegan protein to keep you satiated.

Check out our ReVive Cleanse + Detox Program HANDOUT!!

  • 2 week or 3 week options available
  • 2 weeks = 2 jugs of ReVive (chocolate and vanilla flavors available)
  • 3 weeks = 3 jugs of ReVive
Tips + Tricks for a quick Inspired Health DETOX + CLEANSE 
  • Eliminate toxins and food triggers: Eliminate all processed and inflammatory foods – Sugar, Alcohol, Gluten, Dairy, Caffeine
  • Hydrate: drink more water! Best to have half  of your body weight in ounces every day.
  • Food is your best medicine: use medicinal herbs and spices in your cooking. Don’t be afraid to experiment with flavors!  Food is either your medicine or your poison. Make good choices!
  • Sweat out those toxins: Your body is designed to MOVE! Not to mention, one of the top cures for depression and anxiety is – EXERCISE!! Aim for at least 45-60 minutes 3-5 times per week.  If it’s not on your calendar, it doesn’t exist!
  • Take in some sunshine: Vitamin D helps regulate our hormones, neurotransmitters/ mood and immune cells – it really is the “sunshine vitamin”!

What can you expect from doing a cleanse/detox?

You can expect added energy, clear thinking, and the removal of sugar cravings.

Some will have the added bonus of losing the summer weight they have gained!

And now you know – the Inspired Health providers’ DAILY Secret Weapon!!

At Inspired Health, we are committed to inspire you to reach optimal health and vitality by identifying your unique underlying root causes of symptoms.

Inspired Health - Integrative + Functional Medicine Center Natural Fertility Bend Oregon

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