Roberta Dietrich is a Health and Wellness Coach here in Bend who is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their wellness goals. Embarking on a new health protocol can often feel daunting, and a coach or guide can make all the difference in keeping you on track to reach your goals. If you’re curious about what a Wellness Coach is (and isn’t!) Roberta breaks it down for us. Her dynamic and supportive approach is a true gift and we’re excited to share her knowledge with you! 

Q:  Hi Roberta! Thanks for chatting with us today! Let’s start with your story! We’d love to know more about your journey that led you to where you are today with your wellness coaching.

RD: Hi! Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my story.

I think my journey toward health and wellness coaching began before I even became aware of this exciting field! A couple of years ago I retired from a 26-year-long career in the biotechnology industry. During my tenure, I served in several different roles but it was my time in leadership that really helped me recognize how much I loved helping and watching people succeed.

As I began my new journey –  in my 50’s I might add – I found myself wanting to figure out how to help people accomplish their goals but this time I wanted to help people with their health-related goals. Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with the human body, and believe this fascination is why I have always been so passionate about healthy living. Combining these two passions of mine led me to this rewarding field of health and wellness coaching.

After researching accredited Health and Wellness Coaching programs, I chose to do my training with the Mayo Clinic. In addition, and primarily just to enhance my knowledge base, I took the necessary steps to become a Certified Personal Trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine. Once my training was complete, I set out to lay the foundation for what is now RD Wellness Coaching. I now have the privilege of helping people set and accomplish their health goals. Most importantly, I have the opportunity to help them transform their goals into lasting habits so that they may live healthy, active, vibrant lives!

You may be familiar with the Japanese term “ikigai” or “life purpose.” This is a very interesting concept that I often encourage people to learn more about if they are unfamiliar. Suffice it to say, after a 26-year career and a lifelong passion for healthy living, I have found my “ikigai” in health and wellness coaching! It is always amazing to me how all roads lead you to the one you’re meant to be on.

Q: Tell us about your coaching practice and the ways you support clients.

RD: I love that you used the term “support” because support is my primary role as a Health and Wellness Coach. My clients are in the driver’s seat and I’m the passenger. I’m the unbiased, non-judgmental, 3rd party individual who is on the sidelines supporting my clients with realistic goal setting, consistency, accountability, education, guidance – essentially anything within my scope of practice that they need to help them achieve their wellness goals. My primary goal is to meet my clients where they are now and to help them get to where they want to be. I help my clients use their values and strengths to set, accomplish, and ultimately transform their healthy goals into lasting habits. Additionally, I collaborate with medical professionals and business owners who are interested in providing additional support, education, and guidance on healthy habits for their patients and employees.

My first session with a client is a 30-minute complimentary consultation that can be done live or virtually. This 30-minute session is a great way for me and a potential client to discuss what wellness coaching is (and maybe more importantly what it isn’t), the benefits of coaching, and most importantly, what the client would like to get out of wellness coaching. From there, coaching sessions are 60 minutes, virtual, and typically scheduled every 2 weeks.

Q: Who is an ideal candidate for wellness coaching?

RD: I truly believe wellness coaching has the potential to benefit so many different aspects of one’s life, the “ideal” candidate could be virtually anyone. Those who may benefit the most from coaching could include:

  • Individuals who struggle with consistency when it comes to their health goals.
  • Individuals who may be healthy in some areas of their lives but would like to improve in other areas.
  • Someone who struggles with feeling selfish when prioritizing their health.
  • Someone who thrives when held accountable.
  • Individuals who have been told by their medical provider they need to make healthier lifestyle choices and may not know where to start.
  • Individuals looking to get the most out of their lives but may feel a little stuck.
  • Someone who enjoys having an unbiased ally in their court to provide additional support and guidance on healthy choices without judgment.

I also believe ideal candidates for wellness coaching are medical professionals and business owners. I partner with medical providers who would like their patients to receive additional support and guidance with their health and wellness goals. I do not provide medical advice, I simply support the provider/patient agenda to help patients stay on track towards making the lasting lifestyle changes their provider would like to see for them. Additionally, I partner with business owners to help encourage workplace wellness. Healthy employees tend to be happier, more productive and spend more time being able to contribute to the overall success of an organization.

Q: The beginning of a new year can feel a bit daunting, as we set new goals/intentions.We’d love to get your advice or some tips/tricks for how to navigate this time of year.

RD: My advice is to work with a Health and Wellness Coach…haha! The first thing that comes to mind is the importance of setting realistic goals. Nothing will stop progress faster than feeling overwhelmed by an unrealistic goal. When setting goals, one very important thing is to ask yourself  “why is this important to me?” When we understand our “why,” we are more apt to stay motivated and consistent, and therefore more likely to accomplish our goals. Additionally, I would encourage people not to be afraid to START! It can be so easy to postpone our goals and intentions because the thought of tackling something new may feel overwhelming or even scary. I think it’s important to understand that you don’t always need to jump into something with both feet if that feels uncomfortable. Testing the waters might be a more realistic and better way to get started. Starting is the most important part of the goal process even if you’re taking baby steps. We will never accomplish our goals if we’re too afraid to start!

When life gets a little daunting, one thing I love to do is a very simple yet effective technique called “Stop, Drop.” I heard the amazing Jon Kabat-Zinn discuss this simple technique a few years ago and use it frequently. Essentially, when you find yourself a little overwhelmed or distracted, you “stop” and then “drop” into your breathing. Focus on taking a few deep breaths for a few seconds and you’ll be amazed at the effects!

Q: We’d love to hear more about your health journey at Inspired Health.

RD: Sure! It was several years ago now but I was having some nagging back issues and came to see Dr. Weintrob for acupuncture. I had never had acupuncture and didn’t really know what to expect. When I started researching providers, I came across Inspired Health. I was so impressed with Inspired Health from the moment I walked in. The atmosphere couldn’t have been more welcoming and I quickly felt that I was in good hands (literally) with Dr. Weintrob. I am such a supporter of medical professionals who encourage preventative health and who use their expertise to find the root cause of a condition versus always treating a symptom.

Q:  Which products from the Inspired Health Apothecary have been game changers for you? 

RD: All of them! Among my favorites, I think the Magnesium, Vitamin D, and the ION Gut Support have been complete game changers!

Q:  Which of our 8 Pillars of Inspired Health are you personally giving extra attention to these days?  

RD: I am a huge fan and supporter of all 8 Pillars of Inspired Health. That said, movement and sleep are two that I am exceptionally fond of. Movement is the foundation for everything. Our bodies are built to move and the exciting thing is that movement comes in so many different forms.  There is something for everyone! I recently read “Get Up! Why Your Chair Is Killing You and What You Can Do About It” by James Levine, MD. This was an excellent book that discusses the negative health consequences resulting from the fact that average Americans spend 50-70 percent of their day sitting. Importantly, this book also provides simple techniques that can be easily implemented to change this all too common problem. The research showing the positive effects movement has on us both mentally and physically is irrefutable.

The other pillar I am very fond of is sleep. In my previous career, I traveled extensively and getting “good” sleep was always challenging for me. Over the past few years I have become much more intentional when it comes to my sleep. I have done quite a bit of reading and researching and have (finally) figured out what good “sleep hygiene” looks like for me. The difference has been incredible and I am now a HUGE supporter of making good sleep a priority. As with movement, I believe sleep is also foundational. Our bodies need to repair and recover in ways that can only be done during sleep. If we give our bodies this important time, the effects can be amazing!

Q:  Are there any books, podcasts, shows that have inspired you lately?

RD: Yes! I love to read and one of the books I’m currently reading is “Life Force” by Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, MD, and Robert Harris, PhD. A very interesting book that, amongst other things, explores the world of regenerative medicine. I’m also a big fan of the podcast “The Doctor’s Farmacy” with Mark Hyman, MD who practices functional medicine which I love and find very encouraging. The recent Netflix series, “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” with Dan Buettner was also fascinating and very inspiring. I also love to laugh and believe laughter is extremely therapeutic, so I am a huge fan of the podcast “Smartless” 🙂

Q:  And as usual, let’s share some Central Oregon love!  Can you share a couple of your favorite local businesses?

RD: Oh my goodness, where do I start with my local love! Having called Bend “home” for the last 20 years, there are so many local businesses that I have loved supporting and an endless amount of outdoor activities I love participating in. Amongst some of my favorite businesses, Locavore, Metolius Tea, Bro Jo’s, Bosa, Bronwen, Jack & Millie, Pine Mountain, and Powder House to name a few. Also, being active and outdoors has always been my “happy place” so I love being out on all of our beautiful trails that we are so fortunate to be able to enjoy year-round…with the right equipment 🙂

Thank you Roberta!

Learn more about Roberta and her offerings at her website: RD Wellness Coaching.