Naturopathic Medicine
As licensed Naturopathic Physicians & Doctors, we are trained in using nature-based healing principles and practices as well as modern science to bring you the most effective, well-rounded healthcare possible. Our focus on holistic, preventive care goes hand-in-hand with comprehensive diagnostics and treatment.

The Healing Power of Nature – A Holistic Approach to Modern Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care – an art, science, philosophy and practice of preventing, treating and determining the cause of disease. Naturopathic medicine’s techniques include modern, traditional, scientific and empirical methods.
Steeped in philosophy, Naturopathic medicine uses a unique lens from which the physician views the patient. Treatments are geared towards restoring a patient’s vitality and optimal function. The foundation of Naturopathic medicine revolves around the philosophy that the body has an innate wisdom and ability to heal itself when the cause or imbalance of any disease and obstacles that hinder the ability to heal are uncovered.
Specializing in
- Autoimmune disease
- Gut Health (GI Disorders)
- Fertility / Infertility
- Hormone Health (Endocrinology)
- Integrative Medicine
- Pain Management
- Chronic Disease
- Lifestyle Counseling and Wellness
This is customized Naturopathic Integrative healthcare – designed to get to the upstream root cause. Creating lasting strategies for optimal health, and the reversal of chronic disease.
Dr. William’s Sentiment
I am a board certified OB/GYN and the Naturopathic physicians at Inspired Health have a particular interest and training in Functional Medicine, Endocrinology and Women’s Health, including Fertility.
The Inspired Health Team is a pleasure to work with and it has been easy to share patients. They are professional, great communicators, knowledgeable and work well to integrate Eastern and Western traditions into a cohesive treatment plan that benefits our patients. They have extensive knowledge of nutrition, exercise and lifestyle, making their skill set more extensive and beneficial for patient care.
Dr. Lara Williams MDThe Oregon Clinic
Effective, Nature-based Care
Our practitioners treat all medical conditions, and specialize in using Naturopathic methods to treat many ailments including: chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances and fertility problems.
We also offer lifestyle counseling for weight-loss and achieving vibrant health and wellness. This is customized Naturopathic care – designed to identify and treat the cause, creating lasting strategies for optimal health, and the reversal of chronic disease.
We have had many years of success in treating patients, which is why traditional medical practitioners are increasingly looking to us for guidance as they begin adopting more naturopathic methods. At our center, we go beyond treating illness, and move you along your path toward life-changing, optimal health — Inspired health.
There are six principles of healing that form the foundation for Naturopathic Medical practice. These include:
- The Healing Power of Nature – Vis Medicatrix Naturae
- Identify and Treat the Cause – Tolle Causam
- First Do No Harm – Primum Non Nocere
- Treat the Whole Person – in perturbato animo sicut in corpore sanitas esse non potest
- Doctor as Teacher – Docere
- Prevention is the Best Cure – principiis obsta: sero medicina curator