Inspired Health is excited to welcome Dr. Ari Weiner to the Clinic! We thought it would be fun to do a Q&A with Dr. Ari so she can share a bit more about herself and her Naturopathic practice in her own words! Learn about her journey to become a physician, more about the unique Abdominal Therapy treatments she will be offering IHM patients soon, a few books that have recently inspired her, and her great advice for all Functional Medicine patients.

Q: Hi Dr. Ari! We’re thrilled to introduce you to our Inspired Health patients and community! And welcome back to Central Oregon! What about your return to Bend are you most excited about? 

AW: Oh gosh – truly everything! My well-being has always been very connected to my physical landscape and sense of place. Central Oregon sure feels like home in that way – the river, familiar trails, the smell of juniper trees and sagebrush, a skyline of volcanoes covered in fresh snow, the list goes on and on. I’m also thrilled to be reunited with an incredible community of existing friends here in town and so excited about joining the Inspired Health family and beginning to serve the greater Bend community as well.

Q: We’d love to learn more about your journey to become a Naturopathic doctor. Have you always been passionate about health and wellness? 

AW: In short, yes! I have always been fascinated by the human body and interested in healthcare – though like so many, finding my way to naturopathic/functional medicine was a circuitous path. When I was very young, I would collect desert shrubs and keep them in glass jars so that I could pretend to heal my friends and family when they got sick. Whenever people asked, I said I was going to be an herbalist when I grew up. At some point, likely because of my ever-expanding list of outdoor pursuits and a budding career in outdoor education, my focus switched to emergency/rescue medicine. It was an exciting and romantic notion and at the time, it just made sense with my lifestyle! So I became an EMT and started down that road. And then one summer years later, after a tick bite in northern Washington, the stars began to re-align and point me back towards a different way of tending to and caring for our bodies. It was really my own journey navigating the complex healthcare system as I healed from Lyme Disease that informed this very intentional career choice. And all these years later, I really couldn’t be more grateful for my health and all the challenges and insights that got me here.

Q: What are your specialties within Naturopathic Medicine? 

AW: I hesitate to define or emphasize a specialty just because in my practice I intentionally try not to hyperfixate on one body system and instead take a broad survey of the whole person with the intention of guiding all the systems back to balance, regardless of what dis-ease I’m presented with. That being said, I can’t ignore that my heart and passion are definitely within reproductive endocrinology and fertility. For me, there is nothing more special and magical than supporting someone through their journey from maiden to mother, and ALL that entails. This is definitely the realm that I have and continue to focus my energy in terms of continuing education and ongoing mentorship.

Q: Who or what have been your greatest inspirations or influences in your work or life in general? 

AW: My life in general has always been inspired by my parents who set the precedent very early on that I could create and live whatever kind of life I was drawn to. I suppose it was this safety net of belief and trust (and privilege) that allowed me to start boldly following and continually rediscovering my bliss from a very young age. My inspiration and influence on a professional level is continually evolving – currently I pull from the insights and practices of a small constellation of incredible mentors and colleagues who I’ve been privileged enough to learn from and work alongside…and my practice is of course always informed and inspired on some level by my experience as a person in a body that has already had  the opportunity to navigate and recover from more than one chronic illness.

Q: Abdominal Therapy is a treatment you will soon be offering to Inspired Health patients! Could you tell us about this technique and the health conditions it can benefit? 

AW: Abdominal Therapy is a form of physical medicine/massage that originally stems from traditional healing practices rooted in Mayan civilizations, who revered the abdomen as the “center of being” – believed to house not just the physical organs, but also emotional and spiritual health. The technique initially was, and sometimes still is referred to as Maya Abdominal Massage, though as the lineage gets more distant and trainings are offered off native lands, there has been a conscious shift away from that name to protect and honor ancient Mayan culture. Today, Abdominal Therapy focuses on the abdomen to support nerve conduction, arterial and venous blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and the release of energetic or chi stagnation. Because of the holistic nature of the technique, it really is supportive for any-body with any dis-ease but seems to dramatically speed up healing in individuals with reproductive (endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, etc) and/or digestive (SIBO, IBD, IBS, GERD, chronic constipation, etc) concerns.

Q: You’ve recently made some big life changes, moving your home base from another state and starting at a new clinic. What are your personal tips/tools for staying grounded and healthy during seasons of change? 

AW: In seasons of change, I rely on simple familiar rituals and routines (often bookends to my day) so that my nervous system feels safe and grounded amidst all the wonderful new chaos. I also lean into the basics – daily movement, time outside, focused time with my family, simple nourishing food. And, I’m not perfect! I get stressed and overwhelmed and fall into suboptimal habits that don’t serve me just like everyone. Being gentle with myself and reminding myself that it is just a season, helps too!

The stories we tell ourselves about our health have real, scientifically proven, impact on our cellular physiology – use those thoughts to guide your body in the direction you WANT it to go.

Dr. Ari

Q: Tell us about a book, podcast, or show that has captured your attention lately. 

AW: Beautiful Chaos by Jessica Ulrich – as a lover of words, truth telling and being a relatively new mama myself, this compilation of poems about the beautiful and brutal ways our children hold up mirrors for us has just really been hitting home in this season of life for me.   

Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan – this is a book I will continue to read over and over again for the rest of my life. A masterful piece of historical fiction based on a true and previously untold story of World War II in Italy. Just read it!

Fast Like a Girl by Mindy Pelz – And since I’m almost always reading at least one nerdy health/wellness book, I’ll give a shout out to my most recent fave. Dr. Mindy Pelz is terrific and brings attention to the complex relationship between blood sugar and hormone balance. Historically, almost all of the research on intermittent fasting has been done on men and this book really shakes things up for those of us with different anatomy!

Q: What is one piece of advice or gentle guidance you would offer to anyone starting out on their health journey if they are new to naturopathic/functional medicine? 

AW: Be patient and trust the wisdom of your body. There is certainly “real” work that can and should be done, but time is often the best medicine. And while all that work is being done and time is doing its thing, please don’t discredit how much your thoughts matter – the stories we tell ourselves about our health have real, scientifically proven, impact on our cellular physiology – use those thoughts to guide your body in the direction you WANT it to go.

Q: Let’s  share some Central Oregon love!  Can you share a couple of your favorite local businesses or places in Bend that you’re looking forward to visiting again? 

AW: The Commons (previously Crows Feet) – the first place my husband and I stopped for a cup of coffee and a replacement axle nut for our bike on a roadtrip through Bend over a decade ago – and it’s been a staple ever since. It even ended up being my livelihood for a while as I finished pre-req courses for med school! 

Spork – every single thing on the menu just reliably hits the spot after a long day playing outside! 

Good Dog – I’d be lying if I said my dogs and I hadn’t been dreaming about these miles of off leash trails near the river as we spent countless years visiting small city dog parks in our time away. We are all so happy to be back with more room to roam! 

Thank you Dr. Ari! Welcome home!