[cta-section link=”https://inspiredpatient.md-hq.com/registration” heading=”New Patients: REGISTER to Schedule” background=”https://inspiredhealthmed.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Schedule-Appointment-Inspired-Health.jpg” width=”third” align=”center”]
**We ask that all NEW Patients REGISTER to schedule an initial appointment.
The Registration will allow you to create a username and password for your Patient Portal.
Once you have logged into your Patient Portal, please fill out all of the mandatory NEW PATIENT INTAKE FORMS located in the Questionnaires Tab.
When your Intake forms are finalized, our office will contact you to set up an initial appointment.
Prior to your initial appointment, we encourage you to look around our website, visit our Online Store, and to read up on how we work with patients.
We are honored that you’ve chosen us to partner on your journey towards Inspired Health.